CETIS 2010 Nottingham, November 15-16 2010
The annual CETIS conference is another example of ways in which JISC has agency to support and enrich communities of practice operating in the field of technology enhanced learning in the UK.
It's a few years since I last attended this conference; the community seems to have established a strong sense of identity since that time. Given the title of the conference "Never Waste a Good Crisis - Innovation & Technology in Institutions" and the financial onslaught on Higher Education lets hope that this strength stands it in good stead for the next few years.
You can find the Programme online which will give you links and a sense of the dominant agendas.
As with many conference the events were launched with a keynote, preceded by some welcoming remarks and a brief trip into a futuristic virtual higher education courtesy of Paul Hollins
Anya Kamanetz, author of DIY University Edupunks, Edupreneurs and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education
@anya1anya on twitter
twitter visualisation link
Options available parallel session day 1
Open Innovation
Relationship Management in HE and FE
Cheaper, flexible, effective institutions: technology, politics and economics
Integrating and Subverting Corporate Systems for Educational Purposes
Next Generation Content
My account will focus on Relationship Management . The session included presentations (contact Sharon Perry s.perry@bolton.ac.uk); a practical scenario based exercise led by Dr Qin Han; and an account of experiences from the Derbi project at the University of Derby presented by Jean Mutton
Service Design references and Webliography
taguclan a sort of rough guide to the University. Developed to help prospective students learn about the university, compiled by existing students, an example of collaborative authoring/co-production.
twitter tag #rminhe
JISC CETIS relationship managment website
Those of you wanting to find out a bit more of the background to service design, may find the wikipedia entry on service design reasonably informative
CETIS report on service design - from University of Derby
Running notes on the presentation:
These sessions arose from JISC funded projects looking at Customer Relationship Management and Student Life-cycle Relationship Management
It can be seen as an example of applying commercial techniques to a higher education context. There already existing examples of the application of commercial techniques to public sector experiences - for example in the health service
Example from Goldsmiths - spotting the pinch points - debugging processes. In their case it was found that small changes to service delivery can make much larger impacts across the piece.
The initial thrust of the session was thinking about how we might use customer relationship management tools in an educational context. This actually applies to the frameworks for thinking and analysing how we optimise processes and deal with problems which are associated with the labrynthine procedures around the student experience.
During the disucssion it was observed that issues do arise surrounding the conceptions of what Universities are about, terms like customer implies/belies the comoditisation of education. It was observed that there was less resistance with the use of the word client. Engaging in these sorts of processes may help a university articulate its values and crystalise what it expects to emerge as the outcomes of its processes and to thereby identify intended and unintended outcomes of processes.
Part 2 - interactive session on Service Design
principles underpinning the service design approach
Part 3 - the DERBI experience
Jean Mutton introduced an account of the experience of the DERBI project at the University of Derby which introduced service design at the University of Derby, The small scale project led to an interesting set of improvements for the student experience in relation the their experience of the enrollment processes. myderbi @ myderbi on twitter
it seems to me that if we are talking about learning from business processes we might look to good experiences of the online interaction, and then see how we can incorporate such practices or model the interactions into our processes.
Perspectives/Issues Discussed
fail points
heuristics for management
spotting the fail points
some discussion
Qin Han studied service design and communities of service for her PhD research
Sharon Perry is one of the CETIS team
Jean Mutton is the Student Experience Project Manager - DERBI Project - University of Derby
Day 2
Enterprise Data - Wilbert Kram
Linked Enterprise Data in F/HE organisations stuff
Damian Steer from the ILRT explaining how they make use of linked data in Bristol.
Paul Miller, Cloud of Data - Making Data Work account of a few up and running semantic web applications
Particularly like the fact that he explained how Tripit works, and what its advantages are. Something I have been trying to say to Hugh for a bit of a while!
SIRI - iphone app - only available in the states at the moment. Came out of a Darpa project -> apple
PowerSet -> ms, bing
Trueknowledge (UK) 200m
Freebase - metaweb google
Tripit not bought yet
canonical source of community enriched data
Seån O'Riain DERI NUI Galway
Enterprise Linked Data - overview of the current deployment and extent of community
ref - open society foundation open data study
The report , commissioned by Open Society Institute’s Transparency and Accountability Initiative and written by Becky Hogge, provided insights on the UK and US processes to unlocking their data to their respective data.gov’s.
Tim Berners-Lee's five star scheme
The Role of Community-Driven Data Curation for Enterprises
Ref to challenges for financial data integration Edward Curry, Andreas Harth, Sean O'Riain Challenges Ahead for Converging Financial Data. In W3C Workshop on Improving Access to Financial Data on the Web
ref http://www/w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/
Feedback in Plenary: links and notes
take a look
Disruptive Innovation http://tinyurl.com/disruptive2010
Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation
Wesley M. Cohen, Daniel A. Levinthal; Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 35, 1990
Designing Learning, towards a scalable interdisciplinary design science of learning
ref - transforming american education - learning powered by technology
Wang and Hannafin Design Based Research 1995
socio-cognitive engineering: a methodology for the design of human-centred technology European Journal of Operational Research
Socio-cognitive engineering: A methodology for the design of human-centred technology M. Sharples N. Jeffery, J. B. H. du Boulay, D. Teather, B. Teather and G. H. du Boulay