Some good folk on the e-learning and virtual teams blog have done a systematic review
Their listing is as follows

After conducting a systematic literature search across disciplines, our researchers have identified roughly 1,600 relevant academic journal articles, conference proceedings, and dissertations on e-learning and virtual teams published in the past decade. Here is a complete list of the most highly-cited and relevant academic journals for e-learning research, including the top Open Access journals (

- Computers in Human Behavior
- Computers & Education
- Internet and Higher Education
- Information & Management
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
- British Journal of Educational Technology
Educational Technology & Society
- Distance Education
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
- Journal of Educational Computing Research
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
The Impact Factor of a journal reflects the average number of citations an article in that journal receives. This data was collected using the Journal Citation Reports from Thompson Reuters.
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